Olive Wood
Holy Land articles

Olive Wood

Olive wood is a type of wood that is both faithfully durable and incredibly elegant. It is known for its strength and for its unique grain that makes it perfect for carving. It is native to places in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East especially, but it is used all over the world, and for good reason. The benefits of having a product made of olive wood go beyond mere aesthetics. Olive trees actually hold great significance in the Christian and Jewish faiths, as they are mentioned several times throughout the Bible. In fact, the olive tree has even come to represent the Holy Land for that reason. The first time the olive tree is specifically mentioned in the Bible happens in Genesis during the Flood, when Noah sends out a dove, and it comes back carrying an olive branch. This moment in history marked the beginning of hope for humanity and a promise of salvation and peace for the righteous. As for the rest of the Old Testament, we can see olive oil rising to prominence as a sign of healing and anointing, often used in the temple where the Jews worshiped God. Olive wood itself is actually used in the construction of the temple. The importance of the olive tree is not just limited to the Old Testament, however. When Jesus enters the picture, the role of the olive tree remains just as important, if not more. There are a great number of instances to be acknowledged, but the most significant one occurs in the last days of Jesusā€™ life. It was by the Mount of Olives, in the Garden of Gethsemane, that Jesus sweat drops of blood, praying: ā€œFather, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be doneā€ (Luke 22:42). And even after the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, the apostle Paul uses olive tree imagery in his letter to the Romans, telling of Godā€™s great grace toward Israel (Romans 11:11-24). So as you can see, the olive tree is more than just a random type of tree mentioned in scripture. It is a symbol of the redemption and life we have in Jesus. If you own a product made of olive wood, you can be reminded every day of that beautiful promise. You can fully cherish and appreciate something that is not only long-lasting and pretty to look at, but also has sentimental and biblical value. We have several quality olive wood rosaries in stock, and we would be more than happy to help you find one that best suits you.
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